Linux – Read what is written to /dev/tty*


How can I read what is written to /dev/tty*(* = 0 – number of tty)?

I tried sudo tail -f /dev/tty1 on one terminal(X) and then sudo cp .emacs /dev/tty1 from another. X didn't show the the content of .emacsbut pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1 I could see the content of the .emacs.


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Best Answer

On Linux, you can dump the current text that is displayed on a text mode console through the vcs devices. For example, cat /dev/vcs1 dumps the content of /dev/tty1. The vcsa devices (e.g. /dev/vcsa1) contain text attributes as well.

Every time you open /dev/vcsNUM, you get the current content of the terminal's display buffer. This isn't an interface to what is currently being printed to the terminal — there's no such interface.

For pseudo-terminals, what is currently displayed is tracked by the terminal emulator, and there is no way to dump it unless the terminal emulator provides one. For example, for a pseudo-terminal provided by ssh, the terminal content would be on the client machine.

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