Linux – Prompt for password during boot with systemd service

arch linuxsystemdtruecrypt

This is relevant to Arch Linux (and perhaps other distributions using systemd). I want to mount a TrueCrypt partition at boot. With the old sysvinit, this was pretty straight forward with a script called by rc.local.

I got to my current by hijacking an Arch forum thread. There's another thread where this systemd-devel thread is talked about as "having the solution," however it's not apparent to me what it actually is, and the OP has the last post stating that he wasn't able to accomplish his goal.

From the looks of it this person is doing it, but was looking for a way to turn off continuous boot messages while he types the password. I posted there as well asking for him to post his actual .service file.

In searching quite a bit, people mention that they have been successful or that it's possible, but don't spell out exactly what the solution was.

I'm as far as being able to unlock the partition from the command line via a systemd service (which in turn gives me the ability to automatically dismount it on shutdown/reboot), but I have to do it manually once logged in. I'd really like the boot process to pause and ask me for the password.

Here's my current script:

Description=Truecrypt Setup for vault
#After=systemd-readahead-collect.service systemd-readahead-replay.service

ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/truecrypt -t --protect-hidden=no -k "" --filesystem=none --slot=1 -p `systemd-ask-password "Enter password for truecrypt volume: "` /dev/sda4'
ExecStop=/usr/bin/truecrypt --filesystem=none -d /dev/sda4


I left the commented stuff in [Unit], as at some point I ran into suggestions that it should be there, but I had problems with it. The above seems to work just fine after booting/logging in… just not during.

Best Answer

  • Write a wrapper script and put it in ExecStart=
  • From the wrapper script, use systemd-ask-password <PROMPT>, read password from its stdout and feed it to truecrypt in whatever way is required
  • Don't forget to exec truecrypt from the end of your script in order not to leave an extra bash process hanging around

This will make systemd query the password immediately (if you start apache using systemctl) or using one of so-called agents (there are default ones which ask passwords using wall or directly on the console during system bootup). This is the best thing you can do to stay compliant.

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