NFS – Permission Denied When Accessing Mounted Windows NFS


I am trying to mount an NFS folder that I have set up on a WIN08 server. The NFS is mounting successfully, but I am unable to access it.

This is my fstab

x.x.x.x:/Music /home/osmc/Music nfs rw,nolock,x-systemd.automount,noauto 0 0

and my folders/error

and my folders/error

This is my setup on the Windows Server. 1000 is the UID/GID of the osmc user on my server, and it looks like it's pulling correctly.

enter image description here

I have a feeling I need to change something on the Windows side, but I'm not sure where else to go from here. Any ideas?

Best Answer

Try checking "Allow unmapped user Unix access". This may change things if the Windows side doesn't know about the osmc account.


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