Linux – “netstat -p”/“ss -p” not showing the process of a listening port


On my CentOS 7, at one point, sudo ss -plt listed a port marked as LISTENING on *:30565, but there was no information whatsoever in the process column of its row. The other listening ports were showing their owning process as usual, like users:(("sshd",pid=1381,fd=3)), but that one row did not have any process information. lsof -i :30565 or netstat -p did not yield any information either.

I haven't been able to reproduce this, and I struggle to think of a situation a "non-process" might be listening on a port (as I'm quite sure Linux does the intended cleanup work when a tcp-listening process dies). As it happens with multiple programs too, the only explanation I can think of is that this is an "intended but very rootkit-y" behaviour of CentOS, but I'm most surely missing something. What might possibly have caused this?

Best Answer

The point on netstat not showing the process information on some situations, for instance NFS, is that NFS is a kernel module, and as such, it does not run as a normal process, and does not have a PID.

You can regularly find threads about this situation if including NFS on your google searches:

netstat doesn't report PID/Program name for some ports

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