Linux – n analog of apt-pinning in Fedora


Apt pinning is a feature that allows to set install priority for a group of packages, determined by a number of attributes, such as package version, repository, distro version, etc.

See man apt_preferences for more (


APT then applies the following rules, listed in order of precedence, to determine which version of a package to install.

  • Never downgrade unless the priority of an available version exceeds 1000. ("Downgrading" is installing a less recent version of a package in place of a more recent version. Note that none of APT's default priorities exceeds 1000; such high priorities can only be set in the preferences file. Note also that downgrading a package can be risky.)
  • Install the highest priority version.
  • If two or more versions have the same priority, install the most recent one (that is, the one with the higher version number).
  • If two or more versions have the same priority and version number but either the packages differ in some of their metadata or the –reinstall option is given, install the uninstalled one.

Is there anything like that for Fedora? In other rpm-based distros?

Best Answer

Apt is available for Fedora, and is just a port of the Debian one afaik. So you could use pinning with that.

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