Move Linux Installation Using btrfs to Another Subvolume


When doing a installation to a root btrfs filesystem, many Linux distributions install to the default subvolume. If left unmodified, this layout will force any new snapshots or subvolumes to be created inside the root filesystem, which is quite confusing, as the snapshots contain themselves:


An easier to understand default subvolume layout would be:

│ └─root
│   ├─dev
│   ├─home
│   ├─var
│   ├─usr
│   └─...

How can I change the distro-default btrfs installation to use this subvolume layout without booting from a livecd?

Best Answer

While not strictly necessary, you might want to do these steps in single user ("recovery") mode to avoid accidental data loss.

We'll create the layout we want in the default subvolume:

mkdir /subvolumes
btrfs subvolume snapshot / /subvolumes/root
mkdir /snapshots

/subvolumes/root will be our new root filesystem, so don't make any changes to the filesystem one after this step.

Edit /subvolumes/root/etc/fstab to make the system use the new root subvolume as root filesystem. For that, you'll need to modify it to include the subvol=/subvolumes/root option.

Now we need to mount our new root filesystem somewhere in order to fix grub to point to the new subvolume:

mkdir /media/temporary
mount -o subvol=/subvolumes/root /dev/sdXX /media/temporary
cd /media/temporary
mount -o bind /dev  dev
mount -o bind /sys  sys
mount -o bind /proc proc
mount -o bind /boot boot # only necessary if you have a separate boot partition
chroot .

That's it. Reboot, and your root filesystem should be the new subvolume. If this succeeded, there shouldn't be any /snapshots directory.

If you want, you may make a permanent mount point for the default subvolume:

mkdir /media/btrfs/root

then you can mount -o subvolid=0 /dev/sdXX /media/btrfs/root to mount the default subvolume.

You can now safely delete the contents of the old root filesystem in the default subvolume.

cd /media/btrfs/root
rm -rf {dev,home,var,...}
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