Linux Mint – How to Mount a Hibernated Windows 8 NTFS Partition


I used Ubuntu for long even along Windows and SOMETIMES I got this problem for mounting the corresponding NTFS partition at the beginning, however with a pair of command lines to the console I got it fixed.

However, I moved to Linux Mint MATE 15 and I'm ALWAYS getting this problem, I've looked up and I know there's this new use for the hibernation file in Windows 8 which enables fast start up.

Why can't I just mount my NTFS partition ignoring the hibernation file? Is this even possible? And, again, why would this get worse with Linux Mint?

I really like the quicker boot of Windows 8 so I don't really consider disabling Windows hibernation and going to Windows to restart and log to Linux is cumbersome…

Best Answer

You can mount the Windows partition read-only. This will work even if it is hibernated (but of course you cannot update files or write new ones).

The reason you cannot mount the Windows C: drive is that with Fast-start Windows 8 is actually hibernating automatically for you - but only the system session. From a Linux point of view it's the same as if you hibernated yourself.

If you want to mount it read-write you have to Restart from Windows, not Shut down. Shutting down hibernates the system image, but Restarting does not.

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