Linux – Monitor a burst of events with inotifywait

inotifylinuxremote control

I have a service which is sporadically publishing content in a certain server-side directory via rsync. When this happens I would like to trigger the execution of a server-side procedure.

Thanks to the inotifywait command it is fairly easy to monitor a file or directory for changes. I would like however to be notified only once for every burst of modifications, since the post-upload procedure is heavy, and don't want to execute it for each modified file.

It should not be a huge effort to come up with some hack based on the event timestamp… I believe however this is a quite common problem. I was not able to find anything useful though.

Is there some clever command which can figure out a burst? I was thinking of something I can use in this way:

inotifywait -m "$dir" $opts | detect_burst --execute "$post_upload"

Best Answer

Drawing on your own answer, if you want to use the shell read you could take advantage of the -t timeout option, which sets the return code to >128 if there is a timeout. Eg your burst script can become, loosely:

interval=$1; shift
while :
do  if read -t $interval
    then    echo "$REPLY"            # not timeout
    else    [ $? -lt 128 ] && exit   # eof
            read || exit    # blocking read infinite timeout
            echo "$REPLY"

You may want to start with an initial blocking read to avoid detecting an end of burst at the start.

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