Linux – mkdir permissions do not correspond to umask (change depending on location)


Whenever I create new directories in my home (or its subdirectories) they do not have write permission, even though umask is set correctly. Files I make DO have write permission.

[mmanary@seqap33 ~]$ umask
[mmanary@seqap33 ~]$ mkdir testDir
[mmanary@seqap33 ~]$ touch testFile
[mmanary@seqap33 ~]$ ls -l
dr-xr-x--- 2 mmanary mmanary  0 Apr 15 10:25 testDir
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mmanary mmanary  0 Apr 15 10:26 testFile

If I switch to a shared group storage directory, then new directories DO have write permission. I can switch them with chmod easily, BUT when using tar, the new directory cannot be written in to so the tar fails with "Permission Denied". Any help is appreciated.

Edit: I have read other suggested questions, but not seem to apply directly because they involve more complicated cases (other users involved). In case this helps:

[mmanary@seqap33 ~]$ getfacl .
# file: .
# owner: mmanary
# group: mmanary

Edit2: On advice from comments, my filesystem is NFS

Best Answer

Talked to the infrastructure people, and the answer is that there are extended ACLs in place that act differently based on location, and that they were erroneously set.

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