Linux Mint 15 WiFi hotspot options


I'm trying to configure a hotspot in my Linux Mint 15. There are no specific manuals for 15, but I found this video which describes hot to make a hotspot in Mint 14.

Creating it in Mint 15 not much differ, but I cannot find a button to configure hotspot. Here is how my Network Manager looks like when hotspot is on:

enter image description here

I cannot find Options button. Hot can I configure SSID, security type and key without it?

Best Answer

Haven't used Mint 15 myself, but, you can right click on the Network Manager icon in your panel and select Edit Connections.

Network Connections

You will see a option 'Hotspot' under the Wi-Fi section. Edit that and you can set the SSID, the type of security(WEP/ WPA2) and the key.

Hotspot settings

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