Linux – memory limit of the Linux kernel

kernellinuxout of memory

I have a perplexing problem. I have a library which uses sg for executing customized CDBs. There are a couple of systems which routinely have issues with memory allocation in sg. Usually, the sg driver has a hard limit of around 4mb, but we're seeing it on these few systems with ~2.3mb requests. That is, the CDBs are preparing to allocate for a 2.3mb transfer. There shouldn't be any issue here: 2.3 < 4.0.

Now, the profile of the machine. It is a 64 bit CPU but runs CentOS 6.0 32-bit (I didn't build them nor do I have anything to do with this decision). The kernel version for this CentOS distro is 2.6.32. They have 16gb of RAM.

Here is what the memory usage looks like on the system (though, because this error occurs during automated testing, I have not verified yet if this reflects the state when this errno is returned from sg).

top - 00:54:46 up 5 days, 22:05,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.21
Tasks: 297 total,   1 running, 296 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni,100.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:  15888480k total,  9460408k used,  6428072k free,   258280k buffers
Swap:  4194296k total,        0k used,  4194296k free,  8497424k cached

I found this article from Linux Journal which is about allocating memory in the kernel. The article is dated but does seem to pertain to 2.6 (some comments about the author at the head). The article mentions that the kernel is limited to about 1gb of memory (though it's not entirely clear from the text if that 1gb each for physical and virtual or total). I'm wondering if this is an accurate statement for 2.6.32. Ultimately, I'm wondering if these systems are hitting this limit.

Though this isn't really an answer to my problem, I'm wondering about the veracity of the claim for 2.6.32. So then, what is the actual limit of memory for the kernel? This may need to be a consideration for troubleshooting. Any other suggestions are welcome. What makes this so baffling is that these systems are identical to many others which do not show this same problem.

Best Answer

The 1 GiB limit for Linux kernel memory in a 32-bit system is a consequence of 32-bit addressing, and it's a pretty stiff limit. It's not impossible to change, but it's there for a very good reason; changing it has consequences.

Let's take the wayback machine to the early 1990s, when Linux was being created. Back in those days, we'd have arguments about whether Linux could be made to run in 2 MiB of RAM or if it really needed 4 whole MiB. Of course, the high-end snobs were all sneering at us, with their 16 MiB monster servers.

What does that amusing little vignette have to do with anything? In that world, it's easy to make decisions about how to divide up the 4 GiB address space you get from simple 32-bit addressing. Some OSes just split it in half, treating the top bit of the address as the "kernel flag": addresses 0 to 231-1 had the top bit cleared, and were for user space code, and addresses 231 through 232-1 had the top bit set, and were for the kernel. You could just look at the address and tell: 0x80000000 and up, it's kernel-space, otherwise it's user-space.

As PC memory sizes ballooned toward that 4 GiB memory limit, this simple 2/2 split started to become a problem. User space and kernel space both had good claims on lots of RAM, but since our purpose in having a computer is generally to run user programs, rather than to run kernels, OSes started playing around with the user/kernel divide. The 3/1 split is a common compromise.

As to your question about physical vs virtual, it actually doesn't matter. Technically speaking, it's a virtual memory limit, but that's just because Linux is a VM-based OS. Installing 32 GiB of physical RAM won't change anything, nor will it help to swapon a 32 GiB swap partition. No matter what you do, a 32-bit Linux kernel will never be able to address more than 4 GiB simultaneously.

(Yes, I know about PAE. Now that 64-bit OSes are finally taking over, I hope we can start forgetting that nasty hack. I don't believe it can help you in this case anyway.)

The bottom line is that if you're running into the 1 GiB kernel VM limit, you can rebuild the kernel with a 2/2 split, but that directly impacts user space programs.

64-bit really is the right answer.

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