Linux – Meanings of the Columns in ‘last’ Command


As I was investigating a server that is rebooting in a regular fashion, I started looking through the "last" utility but the problem is that I am unable to find what the columns mean exactly. I have, of course, looked through the man but it does not contain this information.

root@webservice1:/etc# last reboot   
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Thu Apr 12 09:44 - 09:58  (00:13)    
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Thu Apr 12 09:34 - 09:43  (00:08)    
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Thu Apr 12 09:19 - 09:33  (00:13)    
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Thu Apr 12 08:51 - 09:17  (00:25)    
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Thu Apr 12 00:11 - 09:17  (09:05)    
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Wed Apr 11 19:40 - 09:17  (13:36)    
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Sun Apr  8 22:06 - 09:17 (3+11:10)   
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Sat Apr  7 14:31 - 09:17 (4+18:45)   
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Fri Apr  6 10:20 - 09:17 (5+22:56)   
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Thu Apr  5 00:16 - 09:17 (7+09:01)   
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Tue Apr  3 07:34 - 09:17 (9+01:42)   
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Tue Apr  3 02:31 - 09:17 (9+06:45)   
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Mon Apr  2 23:17 - 09:17 (9+09:59)   

The first columns makes sense up to the kernel versions included. What do these times represent exactly ? The last one seems to be the uptime.

Secondly, this is supposed to be a server on 24/7 except the times don't seem to match which could mean that it is experiencing downtime or somthing similar. For example, if we look at the two last lines, does it mean that my server was off from Apr 2 09:17 until Apr3 02:31 ?

As for the background information, this is a Debian Squeeze server.


If the last colums are start time, stop time and uptime, how can you interpret these two lines :

reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Tue Apr  3 07:34 - 09:17 (9+01:42)   
reboot   system boot  3.2.13-grsec-xxx Tue Apr  3 02:31 - 09:17 (9+06:45)   

The second session seems to end after the first one starts which doesn't make sense to me.

Best Answer

I guess this is a three year old post, but I'll respond anyway, for the benefit of anyone else who happens across it in the future, like I just did recently.

From reading other posts and monitoring the output myself over a period of time, it looks like each line lists the start date and time of the session, the end time of the session (but not the end date), and the duration of the session (how long they were logged in) in a format like


The reboot user appears to be noted as having logged in whenever the system is started, and off when the system was rebooted or shutdown, and on those lines, the "session duration" information is the length of time (days+hours:minutes) that "session" lasted, that is, how long the system was up before it was shutdown.

For me, the most recent reboot entry shows the current time as the "logged off" time, and the session duration data for that entry matches the current uptime output.

So on this line:

reboot system boot 3.2.13-grsec-xxx Tue Apr 3 07:34 - 09:17 (9+01:42)

The system was started on Tuesday, April 3rd, at 7:34 am, and it was shutdown 9 days and 1 hour and 42 minutes later (on April 12th), at 9:17 in the morning. (Or, this output was gathered at that time, and this is the most recent reboot entry, and "reboot" hasn't actually "logged off" yet. In which case the output will change if you run the last command again.)

Why you would have 2 entries for the reboot user, on April 3rd, that were both 9 days long, is a mystery to me; my systems don't do that.

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