Linux – linux equivalent to Mac’s “Shake to Find Cursor”


My coworker has a Mac, and when he loses his mouse cursor, he wiggles the mouse, and the mouse pointer gets bigger and bigger to visually show its location.

Is there anything like that in Linux? I know you can enable an option to press Ctrl to show a quick ripple animation around your pointer. But that requires accessing the keyboard. I'd love to have something like that but only require interaction with the mouse.

Has this been implemented anywhere? Or am I forced to reach over to the keyboard (so difficult!) to help me locate the cursor on 1 of 3 monitors?

Edit: I want a mouse-only solution that does not require pressing any keyboard keys.

Best Answer

Changing the cursor size would be a bit tricky, but you could set up a mouse gesture in something like easystroke that would send a ctrl key event and thus trigger the "ripple" effect. Easystroke won't let you send a modifier key by itself, but you could get around this by choosing "Command" for the action and entering xdotool key ctrl (making sure to have xdotool installed of course).

I tested this myself and it does work... kinda. Getting the gesture to trigger seems a tad difficult, but in fairness I've only got a trackpad to work with at the moment.