Linux – Laptop running hotter on Mint than Windows

intelintel graphicslinux-minttemperaturewindows

I've recently installed (dualboot) Linux Mint 18 on my Sony Vaio svt15115cxs
and noticed that it's running louder than on windows, so I checked the temps, and found, that while under load (eg. watching a 1080p/720p youtube vid in firefox on both systems) the CPU runs about 10 °C hotter. (measured with Psensor and watch -d -n 1 sensors on linux, and hwinfo64 on windows).
So I've installed TLP and thermald but not much has changed. I've also enabled intel-microcode in the driver manager and installed the latest intel graphics dirver.

What can I do to optimize temps on linux without severely hindering the performance? I really like linux so far, but if it means higher temps then I'll have to stick with windows.

edit: Kernel:4.4.0-45 generic

edit2: So I just installed manjaro (xfce) and it stays around 72°, which is better than the mint's 77, but it's still way worse than the 52° on win.

Best Answer

I would try two things:

  1. Install powertop and run it with powertop --auto-tune. For my laptop I'm using it with crontab: @reboot /usr/sbin/powertop --auto-tune --quiet 1>/dev/null 2>&1
  2. Use a desktop environment that lets you disable 3D compositing, so you save CPU/GPU power and heat at the cost of a slightly less "modern" desktop :)
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