Linux – Iptables rule for loopback


Can someone explain the following rule for filtering traffic to loopback interface?

# Allow all loopback (lo0) traffic and reject traffic
# to localhost that does not originate from lo0.
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT ! -i lo -s -j REJECT

The way I interpret it:

  1. accept all incoming packets to loopback.

  2. reject all incoming packets from 127.x.x.x.x which are not to loopback.

What are the practical uses for these rules? In the case of 1, does this mean that all packets to loopback do not have to go through additional filtering? Is it possible for an incoming packet to loopback to be from an external source?

Best Answer

What the rules mean is exactly what you are describing,

1) all packets accessed from the loopback interface.
2) No packets with the loopback address accepted from other sources.

It does not means per se data coming from the loopback interface has to go through additional filtering; what does it means is that the rule 2) is trying to prevent fake/spoofed packets with the loopback address coming from other interfaces.

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