Linux – Installing linux-3.14.8 un Arch Linux while 3.15 is already in testing

arch linuxlinux-kernel

I'm currently running kernel 3.14.6 on Arch Linux from Core repo.
I would like to install 3.14.8 (which is the latest of 3.14 series) because it contains a fix that is suitable for me.

However linux package in Arch Linux core repo is still at 3.14.6 and it has been marked as out-of-date as in testing we already have 3.15. So this tells me that 3.14.8 will never land in arch linux repo… is there a way to get pre compiled 3.14.8 (64 bit) to install in Arch Linux without having to build it from source?

Best Answer

Ok I ended up compiling the kernel using the Arch Build System

In addition to the instructions stated above, I had to install the following dependencies:

pacman -S xmlto docbook-xsl

and changed PKGBUILD like this (those are the only changes made):


and changed the second line of sha256sums= to 0edab0f772836162e5e57ef294d83e88153c15a12f394914c6a25b49e408e8f1 (source)

then run makepkg (sit down and reeeeeelax) and finally installed (sudo pacman -U *.pkg.tar.xz)

Now I'm running 3.14.8 and my "tearing" issues with gnome shell are gone!

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