Linux – Inconsistent color output from `ls` command

colorscommand linelinuxls

I teach an Intro to UNIX/Linux course at a local college and one of my students asked the following question:

Why are some of the files in my directory colored white and others are gray? Are the white ones the ones I created today and the gray are existing files?

As I looked into this I first thought the answer would be in the LS_COLORS variable, but further investigation revealed that the color listings were different when using the -l switch versus the -al switch with the ls command. See the following screen shots:

using ls -l the file named '3' shows as white

using the -al switch the same file shows a gray

Using ls -l the file named '3' shows as white but using the -al switch the same file shows a gray.

Is this a bug in ls or does anyone know why this is happening?

Best Answer

It looks as if your prompt-string ($PS1) is setting the bold attribute on characters to make the colors nicer, and not unsetting it. The output from ls doesn't know about this, and does unset bold. So after the first color output of ls, everything looks dimmer.

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