Linux Console – How to Stretch Screen to Fit Monitor


Google could not help me with this problem. I hope you guys can.

When I boot my computer, the first few screens presented to me by BIOS and boot menu are stretched to fit the LCD screen. Once Linux boots, however, the screen shrinks so one pixel of the console font uses only one pixel of the screen, causing the usable area of screen to shrink to only the upper left part of the screen, since the console uses only 640×480 of the 1280×1024 size monitor.

I know I can use the VGA= boot flag to set modes that increases the number of rows and columns of text, so that the whole screen is used. However, what I want to do is keep the number of rows and columns as they are but scale the whole screen to fit the monitor, just like the BIOS boot messages. I need to do this in a way that will work on any monitor automatically.

EDIT: I've not given info on hardware on purpose, because I want the solution to be hardware-agnostic. The distribution I'm using is Ubuntu 10.10.

Best Answer

Using only the nomodeset kernel option got me the results I wanted, the console now fills the entire screen.

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