Linux Swap Space – How to Use Swap Space for Emergencies Only


I have a Debian (Buster) laptop with 8 GB RAM and 16GB swap. I'm running a very long running task. This means my laptop has been left on for the past six days while it churns through.

While doing this I periodically need to use my laptop as a laptop. This shouldn't be a problem; the long running task is I/O bound, working through stuff on a USB hard disk and doesn't take much RAM (<200 MB) or CPU (<4%).

The problem is when I come back to my laptop after a few hours, it will be very sluggish and can take 30 minutes to come back to normal. This is so bad that crash-monitors flag their respective applications as having frozen (especially browser windows) and things start incorrectly crashing out.

Looking on the system monitor, of the 2.5 GB used around half gets shifted into swap. I've confirmed this is the problem by removing the swap space (swapoff /dev/sda8). If I leave it without swap space it comes back to life almost instantly even after 24 hours. With swap, it's practically a brick for the first five minutes having been left for only six hours. I've confirmed that memory usage never exceeds 3 GB even while I'm away.

I have tried reducing the swappiness (see also: Wikipedia) to values of 10 and 0, but the problem still persists. It seems that after a day of inactivity the kernel believes the entire GUI is no longer needed and wipes it from RAM (swaps it to disk). The long running task is reading through a vast file tree and reading every file. So it might be the kernel is confused into thinking that caching would help. But on a single sweep of a 2 TB USB HD with ~1 billion file names, an extra GB RAM isn't going to help performance much. This is a cheap laptop with a sluggish hard drive. It simply can't load data back into RAM fast enough.

How can I tell Linux to only use swap space in an emergency? I don't want to run without swap. If something unexpected happens, and the OS suddenly needs an extra few GBs then I don't want tasks to get killed and would prefer start using swap. But at the moment, if I leave swap enabled, my laptop just can't be used when I need it.

The precise definition of an "emergency" might be a matter for debate. But to clarify what I mean: An emergency would be where the system is left without any other option than to swap or kill processes.

What is an emergency?Do you really have to ask?… I hope you never find yourself in a burning building!

It's not possible for me to define everything that might constitute an emergency in this question. But for example, an emergency might be when the kernel is so pushed for memory that it has start killing processes with the OOM Killer. An emergency is NOT when the kernel thinks it can improve performance by using swap.

Final Edit: I've accepted an answer which does precisely what I've asked for at the operating system level. Future readers should also take note of the answers offering application level solutions.

Best Answer

Having such a huge swap nowadays is often a bad idea. By the time the OS swapped just a few GB of memory to swap, your system had already crawled to death (like what you saw)

It's better to use zram with a small backup swap partition. Many OSes like ChromeOS, Android and various Linux distros (Lubuntu, Fedora) have enabled zram by default for years, especially for systems with less RAM. It's much faster than swap on HDD and you can clearly feel the system responsiveness in this case. Less so on an SSD, but according to the benchmark results here it still seems faster even with the default lzo algorithm. You can change to lz4 for even better performance with a little bit less compression ratio. It's decoding speed is nearly 5 times faster than lzo based on official benchmark

In fact Windows 10 and macOS also use similar pagefile compression techniques by default

There's also zswap although I've never used it. Probably worth a try and compare which one is better for your usecases

After that another suggestion is to reduce the priority of those IO-bound processes and possibly leave a terminal running on higher priority so that you can run commands on it right away even when the system is on a high load

Further reading

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