Linux Processes – How to Track Newly Created Processes


I know that with ps I can see the list or tree of the current processes running in the system. But what I want to achieve is to "follow" the new processes that are created when using the computer.

As analogy, when you use tail -f to follow the new contents appended to a file or to any input, then I want to keep a follow list of the process that are currently being created.

Is this even posible?

Best Answer

If kprobes are enabled in the kernel you can use execsnoop from perf-tools:

In first terminal:

% while true; do uptime; sleep 1; done

In another terminal:

% git clone
% cd perf-tools
% sudo ./execsnoop
Tracing exec()s. Ctrl-C to end.
Instrumenting sys_execve
 83939  83937 cat -v trace_pipe
 83938  83934 gawk -v o=1 -v opt_name=0 -v name= -v opt_duration=0 [...]
 83940  76640 uptime
 83941  76640 sleep 1
 83942  76640 uptime
 83943  76640 sleep 1
 83944  76640 uptime
 83945  76640 sleep 1
Ending tracing...
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