Linux – How to test the RAM for data corruption on an ARM-based system


I have an embedded device. It is ARM based, with Linux 2.6.31 and has 256 MB RAM.

I wanted to get some ideas/tips on what is the most effective way to test the device RAM for data corruptions. Is there a test/software that someone can suggest?


I have memtester now. I got it after suggestion from Ulrich Dangel (below).

I also have mtest set up from the uboot now.

Any other tests / approaches I could use?

Best Answer

Das U-Boot is perhaps the most widely used boot loader on ARM boards, and it includes some memory test features.

Interestingly, its README suggests an alternative approach that might be more portable and/or more effective:

The best known test case to stress a system like that is to boot Linux with root file system mounted over NFS, and then build some larger software package natively (say, compile a Linux kernel on the system) - this will cause enough context switches, network traffic (and thus DMA transfers from the network controller), varying RAM use, etc. to trigger any weak spots in this area.

While you're building the linux kernel, you might be interested in the CONFIG_MEMTEST=y option, which causes the built-in memory test to be built. This used to be for x86 architecture only, but I believe recent versions support it on other architectures as well, perhaps even ARM.

The memtester tool is already built and available in some linux distributions, for various architectures, including ARM.

The kernel-memtest project might interest you as well.

Bear in mind that no tool can test the memory that it's running from (so a program in a running OS will have significant blind spots) and basic read/write tests won't reveal every type of defect or other error. Set your expectations accordingly, and if you have reason to suspect bad memory, consider trying several different test tools.

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