Linux – How to sync dropbox folders to a Raspberry Pi

arch linuxdropboxraspberry pisynchronization

I have been using a script that uses curl to sync dropbox folders to a Raspberry Pi. Cron calls the script every hour to retrieve most of the folders.

Can anyone recommend a better solution, maybe one that checks if the folder has changed since the last sync.

I don't want to install the official dropbox app because it requires many dependencies and I'm running a very lightweight Arch distribution.

Best Answer

A good alternative to Dropbox might be Synchthing, which syncs one or several folders between a cluster of machines (even some mobile phones).

More information about running Synchthing on Arch Linux can be found on the Arch Linux wiki page on exactly this topic.

I have used Syncthing to sync the NetBSD pkgsrc repository between several geographically distant machines (this a few gigabytes and more than 200000 files).

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