Linux – How to Run a Script with systemd Before Shutdown


What do I need to put in the [install] section, so that systemd runs /home/me/ right before shutdown and also before /proc/self/net/dev gets destroyed?

Description=Log Traffic



Best Answer

The suggested solution is to run the service unit as a normal service - have a look at the [Install] section. So everything has to be thought reverse, dependencies too. Because the shutdown order is the reverse startup order. That's why the script has to be placed in ExecStop=.

The following solution is working for me:


ExecStop=<your script/program>


RemainAfterExit=true is needed when you don't have an ExecStart action.

After creating the file, make sure to systemctl daemon-reload and systemctl enable yourservice --now.

I just got it from systemd IRC, credits are going to mezcalero.

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