Linux X11 GNOME – How to Run a Script on Screen Lock/Unlock?


I'd like to run a script if the Gnome session is locked and unlocked.
Is there a way that I can intercept this and perform certain actions when the desktop is locked or unlocked?

Best Answer

Gnome-screensaver emits some signals on dbus when something happens.

Here the documentation (with some examples).

You could write a scripts that runs:

dbus-monitor --session "type='signal',interface='org.gnome.ScreenSaver'"

and that does what you need anytime dbus-monitor prints a line about the screen being locked/unlocked.

Here a bash command to do what you need:

dbus-monitor --session "type='signal',interface='org.gnome.ScreenSaver'" |
  while read x; do
    case "$x" in 
      *"boolean true"*) echo SCREEN_LOCKED;;
      *"boolean false"*) echo SCREEN_UNLOCKED;;  

Just replace echo SCREEN_LOCKED and echo SCREEN_UNLOCKED with what you need.

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