Linux – How to reinstall grub to the EFI partition after initially installing it in Linux root. Do I have to start over


My machine was running Mint 15 KDE 64-bit (GPT partitioning, EFI bootloader without 'secure boot'), and I wanted to try Mint 16 before committing to it. So I installed it into another partition and told it to put GRUB into /dev/sda6 instead of /dev/sda.

I then ran the Ubuntu boot-repair tool on my Mint 15 setup, which detected and added Mint 16 to 15's GRUB menu. So far, so good. I can boot 16 by selecting 15's GRUB from my EFI boot menu (I'm using rEFInd for that), and having that boot 16 for me. But now I want to make 16 directly bootable from rEFInd – so it won't rely on keeping 15 around.

Is boot-repair still the tool for the job?

Mint 16 seems to know how to handle EFI booting directly, so I would expect it to have its own tools for managing the boot process. There's a KDE GRUB2 bootloader tool, but that just seems to manage the grub menu entries in my partition. It does have an option on its 'Advanced' tab to 'Install/Recover Bootloader', but that tool just lists out my partitions – and doesn't show my EFI partition. I guess, because I didn't set up EFI booting at install time, I also don't have /boot/efi mounted.

Any advice on how to proceed?

Best Answer

You're advised to read EFI bootloader principles -- this should help you understand that installing a bootloader into MBR or a partition's boot sector is not going to do anything when booting in EFI mode. You basically want to establish or reuse an existing ESP (EFI System Partition) on a GPT partitioned disk and to store all of your bootloaders in its subdirectories.

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