Linux – How to play AAX audio books from Audible

arch linuxdrmvlc

I have bought some audio books at Audible. The default .aa files play fine in VLC, but the quality is pretty bad – there's a constant background hum during any speech. Their enhanced quality audio files open in VLC, which displays the frontispiece, chapter number, and progress indicator, but there is no sound. Is it possible to fix this (Linux and open source software being the two parameters I care about)?

The latest VLC (2.2.4) displays the following codec information for an .aax file:

  • Stream 0
    • Type: Audio
    • Codec: MPEG AAC Audio (aavd)
    • Language: English
    • Sample rate: 44100 Hz
    • Bits per sample: 16
    • Bitrate: 1411 kb/s
  • Stream 1
    • Type: Subtitle
    • Codec: tx3g
    • Language: English

Best Answer

Using audible-activator and AAXtoMP3 worked. With a few tweaks, AAXtoMP3 converts to FLAC as well.

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