Linux – How to passively capture from Unix domain sockets (AF_UNIX socket monitoring)


TCP/IP and UDP captures can be made using tcpdump/dumpcap and produces a pcap/pcapng file which can be fed to Wireshark for further analysis. Does a similar tool exist for named Unix domain sockets? (A general solution that works for abstract sockets would be nice too though.)

strace as-is is not sufficient, it is not straightforward to filter for Unix domain sockets I/O. A proxy using socat or alike is also not suitable as the goal is passive analysis for existing open programs.

How can I obtain a packet capture that I can use in Wireshark for analysis? Example protocol applications are X11 (Xorg, my current application) and cURL/PHP (HTTP). I have seen a CONFIG_UNIX_DIAG option in the Linux kernel, is this of some use?

Best Answer

I wrote a tool to capture and dump unix domain socket traffic. It uses bpf/kprobe to probe kernel function unix_stream_sendmsg and dump traffic to user space.

The tool depends on bcc, so you need to install bcc first.

An example run:

$ sudo ./ /var/run/docker.sock # run "docker ps" in another terminal
>>> docker[3412] len 83
GET /_ping HTTP/1.1
Host: docker
User-Agent: Docker-Client/18.06.1-ce (linux)

>>> dockerd[370] len 215
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Api-Version: 1.38
Docker-Experimental: false
Ostype: linux
Server: Docker/18.06.1-ce (linux)
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2018 07:05:03 GMT
Content-Length: 2
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

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