Linux – How to map mouse keys as keyboard keys without losing’numeric keypad’ for Linux


I know how to map mouse click for F1, F2 and F3 (respectively left click, middle click, right click):

xkbset m   # required, but disable keypad
xmodmap -e "keycode 67 = Pointer_Button1 Pointer_Button1"
xmodmap -e "keycode 68 = Pointer_Button2"
xmodmap -e "keycode 69 = Pointer_Button3"

But this requires me to use xkbset m that use the slow keys mode :

If I press 4 from the keypad, it moves the cursor to the left. I don't need this feature, just the mapping above.

I tried to figure it out with xdotool, but I don't know how to handle key pressed/key released (for drag & drop) with

xdotool mousedown 1
xdotool mouseup 1

How can I not use this mode or how can I remap all keypad keys ?

What about the numeric and arithmetic signs from keypad please ?

Is there another solution ?

For information, needed for Debian (cinnamon) and Archlinux (xfce), and if possible, I would like a solution not based on the window manager.


Tried this solution but I can't drag and drop with F1.

In ~/.xbindkeysrc :

"xdotool mousedown 1"
"xdotool mouseup 1"
    F1 + Release

Or :

"xdotool mousedown 1"
    m:0x10 + c:67
"xdotool mouseup 1"
    m:0x10 + c:67 + Release

Then :

xset -r 67


Tried with actkbd

# actkbd configuration file
<keycode ("67")> :key : :xdotool mousedown 1
<keycode ("67")> :rel : :xdotool mouseup 1

No cigar :/

Adapted from here

Best Answer

W00T !

First : create a script click:


    xinput list |
        awk '/Dell USB Keyboard/{print gensub(/.*id=([0-9]+).*/, "\\1", "1")}'
xdotool mousedown $1
while IFS= read -r event; do
    if [[ $event == *release* ]]; then
        xdotool mouseup $1
done < <(xinput test $id)

Then add a new keyboard shortcut in your window manager and map F1 to run /path/to/mouse <1|3> (left OR right click).

Et voilà ;)

This can be ran with xbindkeys to be WM agnostic


don't know why this doesn't work with archlinux + xfce 4.12 but on Debian9 + Cinnamon

Edit :

This solution works better :

In .bashrc :

xmodmap -e "keycode 67 = Pointer_Button1 Pointer_Button1"
xmodmap -e "keycode 68 = Pointer_Button2"
xmodmap -e "keycode 69 = Pointer_Button3"

As a keyboard shortcut :


    xinput list |
        awk '/Dell USB Keyboard/{print gensub(/.*id=([0-9]+).*/, "\\1", "1")}'

    while read event; do
        if [[ $event == *release* ]]; then
            xkbset -m
    done < <(xinput test $id)
) &
xkbset m
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