Install Tar File – How to Install Tar File (jhead) on Mac or Linux


I'm new to Linux and tar balls and was wondering how to properly install them on a Mac or Linux machine. I would prefer to know how to install on a mac but I just need some help understanding them. I want to install jhead-2.97.tar.gz and I download the zipped source tar ball, yielding a folder containing a myriad of files. I know this is a silly question, but how do I properly install this file on my machine in the Terminal/LXTerminal?

jhead is a command tool that is used to extract from an Exif jpeg file in the Terminal

Best Answer

Get the source

wget ""

Untar the source

tar xzf jhead-2.97.tar.gz

Or, get and untar the source in one step

curl "" | tar xz

Now you have a directory called jhead-2.97. Enter that directory and run make.

cd jhead-2.97

This will compile the code and link an executable for you called jhead.

Some makefiles have install targets. This one does. To install the executable,

make install

You'll probably need to run that as root. Now your program is installed and ready for use.

In this case, the install target looks like this:

cp jhead ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/

If you ever run into a program without an install target in its makefile, just know that you have to get any executables into /usr/local/bin and any libraries into /usr/local/lib (or other appropriate locations.) Sometimes there are also other files you have to worry about such as documentation files (e.g. man pages), configuration files, etc.

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