Linux – How to install Oracle on Arch Linux

arch linuxoracle-database

I tried going through the wiki

I was able to complete until here.

wget --http-user "I accept" --http-password "."

Then, it says that the INIT package is not found. Not sure what to do next.

I tried to go to Oracle and download and proceed anyways by untarring and trying to setup. It is showing many errors.

I was wondering if anybody had successfully installed Oracle on Arch?


I tried the following in the above link:

[srikanth@myhost Downloads]$ tar -xvf oracle.tar.gz 
[srikanth@myhost Downloads]$ cd oracle
[srikanth@myhost oracle]$ ls
ee.rsp.patch  oracledb  oracle.install  PKGBUILD
[srikanth@myhost oracle]$ makepkg -s
==> Making package: oracle 11gR1-1 (Thu Jan 19 21:54:20 CST 2012)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
error: target not found: ksh
==> ERROR: 'pacman' failed to install missing dependencies.

and then I tried to install ksh via yaourt and aur


                1) View/Edit PKGBUILD
              * b)  Build with makepkg and install with pacman.
                s)  Save build files and build.
                n)  Next package. Skip this package.
                q)  Quit without building.

              Enter a selection: [B] b
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies... 

==> Checking Runtime Dependencies... 

==> Making package: ksh 2011.02.08-1 (Fri Jan 20 16:38:02 CST 2012)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving Sources...
==> ERROR: INIT.2011-02-08.tgz was not found in the build directory and is not a URL.
aurbuild: could not build ksh with makepkg.
Build directory retained at /var/tmp/aurbuild/build/ksh
You can visit the directory, fix the problem, and run makepkg.

[srikanth@myhost oracle]$ yaourt -S ksh

==> Downloading ksh PKGBUILD from AUR...

( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! )
==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)
==> ------------------------------------
==> n

==> ksh dependencies:

==> ksh conflicts:
 - pdksh-5.2.14-6

==> Continue building ksh ? [Y/n]
==> -----------------------------
==> Building and installing package
==> Making package: ksh 2011.02.08-1 (Thu Jan 19 21:57:07 CST 2012)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving Sources...
==> ERROR: INIT.2011-02-08.tgz was not found in the build directory and is not a URL.
==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build ksh.
==> Restart building ksh ? [y/N]

Please suggest.

I came across this INIT package.

Which package should I download for Arch Linux 64 bit?

Best Answer

As jasonwryan pointed out, you can do this more easily by using the AUR package. On the same wiki page that you provided, there is the Install method 2 - AUR entry, which explains how to install it through AUR. That approach should be easier and much more maintainable than doing it manually.

edit: to install ksh, please take a look at its PKGBUILD

# AT&T requires the user to agree to a license agreement before downloading the
# source, so I didn't include the direct URLs in the PKGBUILD. Just visit
# '', download
# 'ast-ksh.2009-05-05.tgz' and 'INIT.2009-05-05.tgz', and place them in the
# same directory as the PKGBUILD before running makepkg

What you will have to do is:

  1. go here and download the needed packages
  2. put them both in the some directory
  3. navigate to that directory
  4. create md5 hashes for that two packages with md5sum filename
  5. execute yaourt -S ksh from the directory where the two packages are
  6. when asked if you want to edit PKGBUILD say yes
  7. edit source and md5sums lines (with new file names and new hashes)
  8. save changes and exit editing
  9. continue building ksh

If everything else is alright, ksh should install without problem.

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