Linux – How to install Gentoo with VirtualBox and use it as native OS later


I'd like to try Gentoo (again…). I know that many steps require a lot of configuration and much more time. I'd like to do something else on computer during long waiting, because of that I would like to install it using VirtualBox and then move it to an partition and use it as normal OS.


I know how to chroot from live to HDD, "restore" GRUB bootloader. I need especially to know how to have my Gentoo installed to real HDD partition using VirtualBox.

Best Answer

Sounds like you want to use a real disk, and not a "Virtual Disk" (aka .vdi for VirtualBox).

Note: on some systems the "vboxmanage" command is case sensitive and would be spelled VBoxManage.

vboxmanage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename /my-vbox-real-disk.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/your_disk

"filename" points to a "link" file that you will attach to the Virtual Guest. "rawdisk" is the physical disk you want to use, such as /dev/sda or /dev/sdc.

Now the disk can be placed in a new machine (bare metal) after the Gentoo install is finished.

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