Linux – How to install from the command line in Arch Linux

arch linuxcommand linepackage-management

The company just gave us all a new virtual machine for development porpoises.

It runs Arch Linux, which nobody here has experience of.

The VM has no internet access, but we can side load files by dowloading them on the Windows host PC and placing them in a directory which is shared with the VM.

How can I serach for suitable packages from Windows, then install them from the command line in Arch Linux?

I am specifically interested in Tux Commander and Search Monkey, but a generic answer will also help.

Best Answer

What a sad thing having a VM without internet access :( I think that you should talk to your boss and tell him that without internet access you can't properly update your linux distro, and this can lead to potential security issues.

Anyway, you can browse the Arch Linux official package list from here:

You can download a package by clicking on its name and then click to "download from mirror". Then install with this command:

pacman -U yourpkgname.tar.xz
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