Linux – How to install emacs 24.5 on linux mint

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I'm trying to get the latest stable release of emacs on linux mint (emacs-24.5). But, for some reason apt-get only installs 24.3.1. I would usually be OK with that, but I'm trying to use spacemacs, and a lot of the packages require at least 24.4.

I've tried installing it myself, but ./configure doesn't work (it says I need a whole bunch of libraries, and those libraries need a whole bunch of libraries…), I tried to install it without the libraries, and it only make a bad looking text based terminal only version.

I even tried using linuxbrew, but I couldn't find out how to get the gui working, since I couldn't just do:

brew install emacs --with-cocoa

I noticed that ubuntu comes with emacs 24.5, and I'm willing to install that operating system, since i've only been using linux mint for a day. But is there any way I can get emacs 24.4 or 24.5 on mint? A different package manager, something to install all the libraries that the manual make requires.

Also I have already looked on stack overflow and tried this tutorial but it did not work:
Emacs 24.4 Released, How to Install it in Ubuntu 14.04

When I tried to install it myself, it gave me an error about X and gtk or some other window library, even after I did what all the tutorials said to do to get X libraries.

Thanks for any help and sorry if this isn't the right place to ask this kind of question. Also, ask me if I need to specify what errors I got etc…

Best Answer

Use Ubuntu elisp ppa to install latest Emacs snapshot available. After installing you need to run emacs-snapshot instead of emacs.

$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-elisp/ppa 
$ sudo apt-get update 
$ sudo apt-get install emacs-snapshot 

This will install emacs without any further steps. Good luck.

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