Linux – How to identify root partition via UUID without initramfs/initrd


Without initramfs/initrd support, the following kernel command line won't work:

linux   /bzImage root=UUID=666c2eee-193d-42db-a490-4c444342bd4e ro

How can I identify my root partition via UUID without the need for an initramfs/initrd?

I can't use a device name like /dev/sda1 either, because the partition resides on a USB-Stick and needs to work on different machines.

Best Answer

I found the answer burried in another thread:

A UUID identifies a filesystems, whereas a PARTUUID identifies a partition (i.e. remains intact after reformatting). Without initramfs/initrd the kernel only supports PARTUUID.

To find the PARTUUID of the block devices in your machine use

sudo blkid

This will print, for example


You can now modify you linux command line as follows:

linux   /bzImage root=PARTUUID=f3f4g3f4-02 ro

This will boot from the partition with PARTUUID f3f4g3f4-02, which in this case is /dev/sda1.

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