Bash Scripting – How to Grep for Unicode in a Bash Script


if grep -q "�" out.txt
        echo "working"
        cat out.txt

Basically, if the file "out.txt" contains "�" anywhere in the file I would like it to echo "working" AND if the file "out.txt" does NOT contain "�" anywhere in the file then I would like it to cat out.txt

EDIT: So here's what I'm doing. I'm trying to brute force an openssl decrypt.

openssl enc returns 0 on success, non-zero otherwise. Note: you will get false positives because AES/CBC can only determine if "decryption works" based on getting the padding right. So the file decrypts but it will not be the correct password so it will have gibberish in it. A common character in the gibberish is "�". So I want the do loop to keep going if the output contains "�".

Heres my git link
Heres the script

while read line
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a -in $1 -pass pass:$line -out out.txt 2>out.txt >/dev/null && printf "==================================================\n"
if grep -q "�" out.txt
        cat out.txt &&
            printf "\n==================================================" &&
            printfn"\npassword is $line\n" &&
            read -p "press return key to continue..." < /dev/tty; 
done < ./password.txt

its still showing me output with the � charicter in it

Best Answer

grep is the wrong tool for the job.

You see the � U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER not because it’s literally in the file content, but because you looked at a binary file with a tool that is supposed to handle only text-based input. The standard way to handle invalid input (i.e., random binary data) is to replace everything that is not valid in the current locale (most probably UTF-8) with U+FFFD before it hits the screen.

That means it is very likely that a literal \xEF\xBF\xBD (the UTF-8 byte sequence for the U+FFFD character) never occurs in the file. grep is completely right in telling you, there is none.

One way to detect whether a file contains some unknown binary is with the file(1) command:

$ head -c 100 /dev/urandom > rubbish.bin
$ file rubbish.bin
rubbish.bin: data

For any unknown file type it will simply say data. Try

$ file out.txt | grep '^out.txt: data$'

to check whether the file really contains any arbitrary binary and thus most likely rubbish.

If you want to make sure that out.txt is a UTF-8 encoded text file only, you can alternatively use iconv:

$ iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-16 out.txt >/dev/null
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