Linux – How to get the rows with non-zero value in specific columns in a pipe delimited file using awk

awklinuxtext processing

I have a pipe delimited file like below


I want to filter the rows with non-zero value in columns 4,5 and 6 write it in a separate file.

Expected output


I tried the following awk achieve this

awk -F "|" '$4 != 0 && $5 !=0 && $6 !=0' input.txt > output.txt

I would like to know if there is a better way to do this using awk.

Best Answer

Your current approach is correct, clear, and works as advertised, there is no real need to change it.

However, if you wanted to test even more columns, say all columns after column 3, this could possibly lead to a somewhat long awk program (if there were many columns).

Another way to do that would be to use a loop:

$ awk -F '|' '{ for (i=4; i<=NF; ++i) if ($i == 0) next; print }' file

This awk program tests the values of all columns after column 3 and skips the current line as soon as a column whose value is zero is found. If no zero is found, the current line is printed.

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