Linux – How to find name of key for use in ~/.XCompose? (specifically keypad plus and minus)

compose-keyinput-methodkeyboard shortcutslinuxx11

I use XIM under Debian Linux with Gnome 2. Many compose sequences are already defined in the system, including the one for ± sign:

palec@Palec:~$ grep PLUS-MINUS /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose
<Multi_key> <plus> <minus>          : "±"   plusminus # PLUS-MINUS SIGN

This does not work with numpad of my Lenovo G550’s keyboard.

I noticed that numbers on numpad require KP_ prefix to be matched, so I tried adding copy of the original rule with keys changed to KP_plus and KP_minus to my ~/.XCompose, where I already have other rules I use in addition to those from the system Compose file. No luck though.

I did not manage to find any useful doc for XIM nor ~/.XCompose. Is there any? Most of information on XIM and compose sequences I got from forums I found by googling. How to get the name of a key for use in ~/.XCompose? Particularly, what are they for numpad + and -?

I do not insist on XIM, but I want to be able to configure custom compose sequences. If there is another, preferably better documented solution, I’d like to hear about it.

Best Answer

  1. How to get the name of a key: Use the command xev and press the keys of interest. The name is shown as last word in the parenthesis in the terminal output.
  2. Particularly, what are the names for numpad + and : xev tells me, that they are KP_Add and KP_Subtract.
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