Linux – How to exclude auditd messages from dmesg and only log them in /var/log/audit.log


I use audit to log suspicious user actions on a workstation in my institution. I found that, in addition to logging to /var/log/audit.log, auditd also writes to /var/log/messages. Consequently, unprivileged user can view the logged record simply by typing the dmesg command. This greatly affects user privacy.

I've tried this and this, but instead of completely removing audit, I want it to still log to /var/log/audit.log.

I've also tried this: writing :programname, isequal, "audit" ~ to rsyslog.conf, but it did not work for me.

Some also suggest adding audit=0 to kernel parameter. I'm not sure if it shall disable auditd completely. Furthermore, the workstations have many active users and should not be rebooted.

Anyone have a clue?

Thanks in advance!

OS: Debian Testing
auditctl version: 2.4.5

Best Answer

Logging to /var/log/messages does happen at the same time as /var/log/messages. audit=0 will disable all audit logs period. That shouldn't stop auditing period though. Consider using auditctl -e 0 also.

The audit logs that show up aren't really a "privacy concern", because if a user really wanted to know what's going on, they'd need ausearch and other au* commands to view the content of the logs/reports as they come up (hint, they need root). The audit logs will show the executed command among other things, but nothing beyond that (switches, other files, etc).

As a side note, there's also the ps command. Any user can see what another user is running anyway.