Linux – How to disable time sync in a VMWare guest

clocklinuxvirtual machinevmware

I have a desktop (centos 6) that has a VM guest (RedHat 5.5).

I just try to set the date to past time in VM guest. And it works.

However, after 50 minutes, the time is sync to current time.

After I check with the cron job, I did not find any cron job to do the time sync.

May I know how can I disable the time sync in the VM guest?

Edited: I am using virsh to start and stop VM guest.

Best Answer

If you are running VM tools, the tool has an option to periodically sync the time with the host.

If in your path: vmware-toolbox-cmd timesync status to view and vmware-toolbox-cmd timesync disable to stop it.

Of course any non-vm method of time sync could be there as well. If the system starts ntpd, it may be syncing that way. You could run ntpd -q to see if the system responds with associations. If so, it will probably sync with them. You'd then want to disable ntpd.

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