GDM3 – How to Disable the User List on GDM3 Login Screen

arch linuxgdm3gnome3


Distribution: Arch Linux

Display Manager: GDM 3.16.x

Dekstop Environment: Gnome 3.16


How to disable the user list displayed on the login screen?


Wanted result:

In effect, from the users perspective, the result: Being presented with a box that requests a username upon reaching the login screen.

Not a solution:

Making the given users into systemusers is not a very good solution.

Preferred method of achieving the wanted result

What exact packages do I need to install or disable?

If not through packages then what utilities should I use to configure the needed setting?

If lower-level configuration is required, what manual settings do I need to change in what files (filepaths please)?

Best Answer

This should work with gdm ≥ 3.12 (tested on archlinux w. gdm 3.16.1):

  1. switch to a VT (e.g. Ctrl+Alt+F3), login as root and run:

    su - gdm -s /bin/sh

    to switch user to gdm.

  2. then run:

    export $(dbus-launch)


    GSETTINGS_BACKEND=dconf gsettings set org.gnome.login-screen disable-user-list true

    run exit or hit Ctrl+D to return to root account.

  3. restart the display manager:

    systemctl restart gdm

Reverting is pretty much the same, just change true to false @ step 2.

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