Linux – How to Determine Maximum Number for make -j Option


I want to compile as fast as possible. Go figure. And would like to automate the choice of the number following the -j option. How can I programmatically choose that value, e.g. in a shell script?

Is the output of nproc equivalent to the number of threads I have available to compile with?

make -j1
make -j16

Best Answer

nproc gives the number of CPU cores/threads available, e.g. 8 on a quad-core CPU supporting two-way SMT.

The number of jobs you can run in parallel with make using the -j option depends on a number of factors:

  • the amount of available memory
  • the amount of memory used by each make job
  • the extent to which make jobs are I/O- or CPU-bound

make -j$(nproc) is a decent place to start, but you can usually use higher values, as long as you don't exhaust your available memory and start thrashing.

For really fast builds, if you have enough memory, I recommend using a tmpfs, that way most jobs will be CPU-bound and make -j$(nproc) will work as fast as possible.

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