Linux – How to determine file system type reliably under Linux


I want to be able to run a command which would print what exactly FAT version/subtype is a partition formatted in (FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/VFAT/exFAT)

Some guys suggests following command

# stat -f -c %T /boot/efi


# df -T | grep boot
/dev/sda2      vfat        262144     67916    194228  26% /boot/efi

here is what stat prints for exFAT

# stat -f -c %T /media/a1ex/7B57-DCAA/

These outputs look confusing, don't they?

Best Answer

vfat is only to represent that it's a FAT partition, according to the partition table and fstab. fdisk -l will tell you the same thing as df -T or mount.

I wouldn't use stat, I would use file /dev/sda2 or parted /dev/sda -l to get a better idea.

Side note: fuseblk is used for auto-mounted media. There is a clear difference between the /boot/efi and the /media/... example you showed.

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