Linux – How to detect what is making the linux freeze

adobe-flasharch linuxbrowserlinux

I've been running arch linux for quite a few months and it has been the best distribution i've used. However, sometimes, it just decides to freeze.
I may be using the computer, the bottom bar shows the CPU load is at 0.30, perfectly normal, then all of sudden it starts going up, 1, 3, 5, 10 and goes beyond 20 if I let it. The whole system becomes unresponsive and I can't even kill X.
I'm pretty sure it's my browser the one which is doing that, since when I realize the load is going up, I can kill it and everything goes back to normal. However this happens both with firefox and chromium, which leaves me thinking it might be a flash bug, however, everything is up to date and I don't see anyone else complaining about it.
Is there some way I can profile it to make sure what is the process taking over the CPU?

Best Answer

Sometimes the CPU cooler is not properly mounted, so you need to check the CPU temperature.

If you have some issues and you don't know what it is, then the best approach is the black-box testing. To do that, remove some components, sound-cards, drives, GPU and so on. If you still have issues try another OS.

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