Linux – How to detect the presence of a battery


I'm trying to automate desktop setup, and as part of that I'd like to install a battery monitor package only if the machine currently has a battery attached (UPSes and other external batteries are not relevant). How can I go about detecting this?

My laptop has a directory /sys/class/power_supply/BAT1 and my desktop has nothing in the /sys/class/power_supply directory. Is that a rock-solid indicator on a system with sysfs? The reference doesn't mention BATn directories; are they likely a vendor-specific feature?

Best Answer

The presence of battery information in /sys/class/power_supply is a reliable indicator that the system supports a battery, and it's a standard Linux feature, but it won't always be called the same thing. Yours is called BAT1. I am looking at one here that is called battery. Also, not all entries in /sys/class/power_supply are batteries.

Look for all files matching the pattern /sys/class/power/supply/*/type. If at least one of them contains the work Battery, there is a battery. Other possible values for type are Mains and USB, maybe more.

One other thing that is possible is that the system accepts a battery but the battery has been physically removed. In that case, the Battery power supply will still show up. How you can detect this might be system-dependent, but try reading capacity or something and see if you get a read error, which probably indicates that the battery has been removed.

Details: Documentation/power/power_supply_class.txt

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