Linux – How to completely remove the user subsystem from Linux


Is it possible to completely remove the user subsystem from Linux.

I'm NOT talking about preventing people from logging in. I'm talking about removing the parts of the system that even make it possible to log in.

The outcome being a operating system that once booted cannot ever be accessed because there is no way to access it, apart from applications already running on it (i.e. web server).

The goal being that the system is unhackable through any mechanism that requires gaining user level command line access, because there is no user level command line system present.

Best Answer

This is an interesting differentiation:

I'm NOT talking about preventing people from logging in. I'm talking about removing the parts of the system that even make it possible to log in.

I'm not entirely sure there is actually anything other than a semantic difference. If I were to remove /bin/login then you would not be able to log in (on the physical terminal) because I had made it impossible to log in. But I would not have removed the entire login subsystem.

My suggestion would be to leave as much intact as possible because there may be unforeseen dependencies. Leave users in place, so that your web server runs as a different account than root. Prevent interactive and non-interactive logins by modifying the PAM subsystem. Optionally prevent sudo type access in a similar manner.

  1. Prepare a "denied" PAM definition

    Create /etc/pam.d/denied containing the following two lines:

    auth requisite
    session requisite
  2. Prevent logins from the terminal/screen

    Replace /etc/pam.d/login with a copy of /etc/pam.d/denied

  3. Prevent network logins with ssh

    Replace /etc/pam.d/sshd with a copy of /etc/pam.d/denied

    Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and ensure that UsePam yes is set.

  4. Optionally, disable at attempt at sudo

    Replace /etc/pam.d/sudo with a copy of /etc/pam.d/denied

Actually, rather than denying all logins, it might be better to permit root logins from the physical terminal/screen and deny everything else. This could also be done via PAM but is outside the specific scope of the question.

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