Linux – How to Compile the C Compiler and Unix/Linux from Scratch


Let's say I work for a large services organisation outside the US/UK. We use UNIX and Linux servers extensively.

Reading through this article it mentions that it would be easy to insert a backdoor into a C compiler, then any code compiled with that compiler would also contain a backdoor. Now given recent leaks regarding the NSA/GCHQ's mandate to put backdoors/weaknesses in all encryption methods, hardware and software, the compiler is now a critical point of failure. Potentially all standard UNIX/Linix distributions could be compromised. We cannot afford to have our systems, data and our customers data compromised by rogue governments.

Given this information, I would like to build a trusted compiler from scratch, then I have a secure base to build on so I can build the Operating System and applications from source code using that compiler.


What is the correct (and secure way) to go about compiling a compiler from source code (a seemingly chicken-egg scenario) then compiling a trusted Unix/Linux distribution from scratch?

You can assume I or others have the ability to read and understand source code for security flaws, so source code will be vetted first before compiling. What I am really after is a working guide to produce this compiler from scratch securely and can be used to compile the kernel, other parts of the OS and applications.

The security stack must start at the base level if we are to have any confidence in the operating system or applications running on that stack. Yes I understand there may be hardware backdoors which may insert some microcode into the compiler as it's being built. Not much we can do about that for the moment except maybe use chips not designed in the US. Let's get this layer sorted for a start and assume I could build it on an old computer potentially before any backdoors were inserted.

As Bruce Schneier says: "To the engineers, I say this: we built the internet, and some of us have helped to subvert it. Now, those of us who love liberty have to fix it."

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Best Answer

AFAIK the only way to be completely sure of security would be to write a compiler in assembly language (or modifying the disk directly yourself). Only then can you ensure that your compiler isn't inserting a backdoor - this works because you're actually eliminating the compiler completely.

From there, you may use your from-scratch compiler to bootstrap e.g. the GNU toolchain. Then you could use your custom toolchain to compile a Linux From Scratch system.

Note that to make things easier on yourself, you could have a second intermediary compiler, written in C (or whatever other language). So you would write compiler A in assembly, then rewrite that compiler in C/C++/Python/Brainfuck/whatever to get compiler B, which you would compile using compiler A. Then you would use compiler B to compile gcc and friends.

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