Linux – How to Check if Reading from /dev/random Will Block


I have found information that /proc/sys/kernel//random/entropy_avail indicates number of bits available in /dev/random. I wanted to check whether the next reading from /dev/random will block and my naive approach was just to compare entropy_avail and number of required random bits but it does not work well. When I did a simple stupid experiment I realized that the entropy is buffered. 64-bit entropy buffer provides 6 bytes of random data.

I monitored the entropy_avail via this simple command:

while true
    cat /proc/sys/kernel//random/entropy_avail
    sleep 1

And I was trying to get a random byte via command

dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=1 > /dev/null

The dd command is blocked if entropy is 63 or lower. When entropy reaches 64 and I read a byte then entropy decreases to 0 but I can read another 5 bytes without blocking. Then dd blocks again till entropy reaches 64.

What is exact meaning of the entropy_avail and how can I detect real number of available random bits?

Best Answer

entropy_avail does not indicate the number of bits available in /dev/random. It indicates the kernel's entropy estimate in the RNG state that powers /dev/random. That entropy estimate is a pretty meaningless quantity, mathematically speaking; but Linux blocks /dev/random if the entropy estimate is too low.

A program reading from /dev/random blocks until the value in /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail becomes larger than /proc/sys/kernel/random/read_wakeup_threshold. Reading from /dev/random consumes entropy at the rate of 8 bits per byte.

But anyway you shouldn't be using /dev/random. You should be using /dev/urandom, which is just as secure, including for generating cryptographic keys, and which doesn't block. Generating random numbers does not consume entropy: once the system has enough entropy, it's good for the lifetime of the universe. The OS saves an RNG seed to a file, so once the system has had enough entropy once, it has enough entropy even after a reboot.

The only cases where /dev/urandom is not safe are on a freshly-installed system booting for the first time, on a live system which has just booted (so generating cryptographic keys from a live system is not a good idea!), or on a freshly-booted embedded device that doesn't have either a hardware RNG or persistent memory. On such systems, wait until /dev/random agrees to let out 16 bytes to make sure the entropy pool is built up. Then use /dev/urandom.

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