Linux – How to Change a User’s Default Group


Being new to Linux administration, I'm a little confused about the following commands:


I've just finished reading the user administration book in the Linux/Unix Administrator's handbook, but some things are still a little hazy.

Basically useradd seems straight forward enough:

useradd -c "David Hilbert" -d /home/math/hilbert -g faculty -G famous -m -s /bin/sh hilbert

I can add "David Hilbert" with username hilbert , setting his default directory, shell, and groups. And I think that -g is his primary/default group and -G are his other groups.

So these are my next questions:

  1. Would this command still work if the groups faculty and famous did not exist? Would it just create them?
  2. If not, what command do I use to create new groups?
  3. If I remove the user hilbert and there are no other users in those groups, will they still exist? Should I remove them?
  4. After I run the useradd command above, how do I remove David from the famous group, and reassign his primary group to hilbert which does not yet exist?

Best Answer

The usermod command will allow you to change a user's primary group, supplementary group or a number of other attributes. The -g switch controls the primary group.

For your other questions...

  1. If you specify a group, groupname, that does not exist during the useradd stage, you will receive an error - useradd: unknown group groupname

  2. The groupadd command creates new groups.

  3. The group will remain if you remove all users contained within. You don't necessarily have to remove the empty group.

  4. Create the hilbert group via groupadd hilbert. Then move David's primary group using usermod -g hilbert hilbert. (Please note that the first hilbert is the group name and the second hilbert is the username. This is important in cases, where you are moving a user to a group with a different name)

You may be complicating things a bit here, though. In many Linux distributions, a simple useradd hilbert will create the user hilbert and a group of the same name as the primary. I would add supplementary groups specified together using the -G switch.

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