Linux – How to cd to a Windows file share

command linefile-sharinglinuxosxsamba

At work, I spend a lot of time manipulating files on a networked computer that's running SME Server (but that's set up for Windows filesharing, if that somehow makes a difference).

I have been wondering how to cd to the network drive's root from bash so that I don't have to keep calling up Finder / nautilus every time I want to copy a file. Any suggestions?

In Ubuntu, I connect to the drive as a Windows share via Places – Connect to Server. In OSX, well, I logged in to the drive once, and it just shows up in Finder.

Best Answer

For OS X look for your share name under /Volumes (it may have a "-digit" at the end if you have many mounts with the same name). The same goes for mounted CD/DVDs and disk images.

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