Linux – How to average run queue length be 1 but load average is almost zero


(I originally posted this on Stack Overflow – advised to move it to here).

On fedora 17 when i run the sar command to view the load average activity it almost always shows a run queue length of 1 even though the system is idle and the load averages are practically zero. My understanding of run queue length and how it relates to linux load average would suggest that if the run queue length is truly 1 on average over a period of time then for my quad core system the load average should be ~25% load average i.e. in my case read around the 1.00 mark:

$ sar -q 30 60
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.i686 (blah)   22/05/14    _i686_  (4 CPU)

16:29:10      runq-sz  plist-sz   ldavg-1   ldavg-5  ldavg-15   blocked
16:29:40            1       547      0.02      0.07      0.57         0
16:30:10            1       548      0.09      0.08      0.56         0
16:30:40            1       547      0.05      0.07      0.54         0
16:31:10            1       547      0.03      0.06      0.52         0
16:31:40            0       547      0.02      0.06      0.51         0
16:32:10            1       547      0.01      0.05      0.49         0
16:32:40            1       547      0.13      0.08      0.49         0
16:33:10            1       547      0.08      0.07      0.47         0
16:33:40            1       547      0.05      0.07      0.46         0

If i then poll often for runnable tasks i very occasionally see the odd process pop up (i do this with ps r -A | grep -v 'ps r -A'). I would have expected to see one process pop up regularly to be in line with the sar output.

Then if i kick of a single threaded process that consumes as much CPU as it can the run queue size immediately jumps to 2 (which is to be expected in the circumstances) but strangely after a while the run queue drops back to 1 again?

Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.i686 (blah)   22/05/14    _i686_  (4 CPU)

16:32:40      runq-sz  plist-sz   ldavg-1   ldavg-5  ldavg-15   blocked
16:33:10            1       547      0.08      0.07      0.47         0
16:33:40            1       547      0.05      0.07      0.46         0


16:34:10            2       548      0.11      0.08      0.45         0
16:34:40            2       548      0.51      0.18      0.47         0
16:35:10            2       548      0.70      0.26      0.49         0
16:35:40            2       548      0.82      0.33      0.50         0
16:36:10            2       548      0.89      0.39      0.52         0
16:36:40            2       548      0.93      0.45      0.53         0
16:37:10            2       548      0.96      0.50      0.55         0
16:37:40            2       548      1.04      0.57      0.57         0
16:38:10            2       548      1.02      0.61      0.58         0
16:38:40            2       548      1.01      0.64      0.60         0
16:39:10            2       548      1.09      0.70      0.61         0
16:39:40            2       548      1.05      0.72      0.63         0
16:40:10            3       550      1.11      0.77      0.64         0
16:40:40            3       549      1.06      0.79      0.65         0
16:41:10            3       549      1.04      0.81      0.67         0
16:41:40            3       549      1.02      0.83      0.68         0
16:42:10            2       549      1.01      0.84      0.69         0
16:42:40            2       549      1.01      0.86      0.70         0
16:43:10            1       549      1.07      0.89      0.71         0
16:43:40            1       549      1.04      0.90      0.72         0
16:44:10            1       549      1.03      0.91      0.73         0
16:44:40            1       549      1.02      0.92      0.74         0
16:45:10            1       548      1.01      0.93      0.75         0
16:45:40            1       548      1.01      0.93      0.75         0
16:46:10            1       548      1.00      0.94      0.76         0
16:46:40            1       548      1.00      0.94      0.77         0
16:47:10            1       548      1.00      0.95      0.78         0
16:47:40            1       548      1.00      0.96      0.78         0
16:48:10            1       548      1.00      0.96      0.79         0

Can anyone explain what is going on here? The only explanation i can think of is that there is some special system task that can utilize the CPU if nothing else is but:

  1. Is not included in the load average calculations and
  2. Will give up its CPU time if a process does come along that needs it


When the sar command samples the run queue it sees itself, but then this would not explain why the run queue eventually remains at one with the cpu load script running?


I misunderstand the load average / run queue concept.

Any suggestions much appreciated!

So i tried again on a different machine with the same version of fedora and sar etc.
This time i am seeing a consistent run queue length of 0 when the system is idle.
Also tried on a centos 5.7 machine, again, run queue length is consistently 0 when idle.

So presumably sar doesn't instantaneously see itself in the run queue.
Still at a loss to explain why this machine reports ~0 for load average yet consistently measures 1 for run queue length.

Best Answer

This is just a guess but the effect is easily explained if the run queue length is not an average value (and why should it be if there are already three average values?) but a point in time. The one entry sar sees on the run queue is always sar itself. Unless you add a process in which case there are two then.

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